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NC Department of Health and Human Services
DPH Environmental Health Section
N.C. Public Health Home

2025 CIT Training Dates (PDF, 166 KB)

Authorization Manual - UNDER CONSTRUCTION

CIT Policy and Procedure Manual (PDF, 169 KB)


Centralized Intern Training and Authorization

Distance Learning

The two CIT training tracks, Food Protection and Facilities and On-Site Wastewater, both include a distance learning portion that must be completed before attending the classroom sessions.

All distance education materials are linked below under the Food Protection and Facilities or the On-Site Wastewater track. Most files are PowerPoint or Adobe PDF.

General Module On-Demand Training

  1. Welcome to Environmental Health
  2. NC State Board of Environmental Health Specialist Examiners (aka NCREHS Board)
  3. North Carolina Public Health Association
  4. History of Onsite Wastewater in North Carolina
  5. Non-Point Source Pollution Program
  6. Asbestos Hazard Management Program
  7. Responding to Inquiries about Mold Growth, Dampness, and Indoor Environmental Quality
  8. The Public Health Impact of Food Safety
  9. Children’s Environmental Health Organization
  10. Environmental Health Section Role in Emergency Response
  11. Foodborne Illness, Surveillance, and Outbreaks
  12. Steps of an Outbreak Investigation: Back to Basics
  13. Seafood Safety in Retail Food Service Establishments
  14. Communication Styles
  15. Bed Bugs
  16. Cockroach and Rodent Management
  17. Mosquitoes
  18. Adverse Actions Part 1
  19. Adverse Actions Part 2


Please complete the materials below prior to the Food Module portion of CIT.

Food, Lodging & Institutions Track Materials

Food Protection and Facilities Program Statutes and Rules

Listed below are additional Rules and Statutes enforced by Food Protection and Facilities Programs in North Carolina.  Click on the links below to access the presentation for each set of Rules and supporting documents.  In addition, you can subscribe to the YouTube channel for a playlist of all presentations.

Distance Learning Guide

NC Centralized Intern Training YouTube Channel

Rules Governing the Sanitation of Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Adult Care Homes, and Other Institutions

Rules Governing the Sanitation of Lodging Establishments - YouTube

NC General Statutes - YouTube

Rules Governing the Sanitation of Local Confinement FacilitiesYouTube  

Rules Governing the Sanitation of Residential Care Facilities

Rules Governing the Sanitation of Adult Day Service FacilitiesYouTube

Rules Governing the Sanitation of Summer Camps

Rules Governing the Sanitation of Primitive CampsYouTube 

Rules Governing the Sanitation of Resident Camps - YouTube

Rules Governing the Protection of Water Supplies - YouTube

Food Protection & Facilities Programs-Related Topics

Listed below are additional Rules and related topics used by Food Protection and Facilities Programs in North Carolina.  Click on the links below to access the presentation for each topic and supporting documents.

Foodborne Illnesses

Risk-based Inspections

Rules Governing Mass Gatherings

Status Codes

Visual Inspection of an On-site Wastewater System YouTube

On-Site Wastewater Track Materials


  1. Which materials do I need to review before I attend the classroom sessions? All of them within the particular track that you will be attending. 
  2. How long do you suggest I allow to review the materials? Each track and the required training checklists should take approximately ten days to review.
  3. Will I have access to the materials during the tests? Are the tests open-book? No, both the pre and post-CIT tests are closed-book.
  4. Are the tests comprehensive? The tests are comprehensive to the areas of training that the track covers.

Centralized Intern Training (CIT) Information