North Carolina State Board of Environmental Health Specialist Examiners (REHS
2025 CIT Training Dates (PDF, 166 KB)
Authorization Manual - UNDER CONSTRUCTION
Centralized Intern Training (CIT) is the first step in becoming authorized to perform environmental health inspections for the state. No one can move on to specific authorization training who hasn’t completed CIT. See the Policy and Procedure Manual (PDF, 169 KB) for more information.
There is a General CIT Module and there are two Tracks, Food Protection and Facilities and On-Site Wastewater. All interns are required to complete the General CIT Module and one of the training tracks. The curriculum for each track includes distance learning and classroom components. Each curriculum is listed on the Distance Learning page with links to required distance learning materials.
Please review the distance learning materials for the training track you will be attending prior to the first day of class.
Both tracks have pre and post-tests with minimum scoring requirements. The pre-tests are based on the distance learning materials you are required to review before attending class. You must score at least 70 percent on the pre-test to continue with classroom training and 80 percent on the post-test to continue with specific authorization area training. Both tests are closed-book/closed-note.
Reminder: After you register and before you attend class, you must review the distance learning materials for the track you will be attending. There is an on-line pre-test on the materials before the first day of training.
Mission of Centralized Intern Training
The mission of Centralized Intern Training (CIT) is to support the goals of the Environmental Health Section, to protect the health of the public, and to preserve the environment by providing:
Authorization Manual (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) will answer most of your questions, but some key points are provided below for quick reference.